Supported Decision Making at Printable

All people make decisions every single day.
Supported decision making means that we all have the right support to make decisions. This can be in the form of supporters, for example people and organisations. It can also include having the right tools and information presented in a way we understand.
Over 2023-24 the Printable Team have been creating videos about how we are learning to use supported decision making in our workplace.
This has been with the support of the My Rights Matter project run by Council of Intellectual Disability. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this project, for the grant and learning along the way.
You can learn more about the My Rights Matter project and the other grantees here
How we are learning to use Supported Decision Making every day
The video above explores how we are learning to use Supported Decision Making every day at Printable. From the beginning it has been important to make sure that we are all included in every part of our business. We did everything as a team, sharing our ideas, values and goals to make Printable come to life.
As part of the grant process we have begun to use a flowchart to make sure that we all have the right supports and understand our choices when making group decisions.
You can see our flowchart and the menu of supports we use here.
The Design Process at Printable
We are trying to find ways for everyone’s ideas to come to life at Printable. This means having tools and guides that we can all use. We found that there were not many easy to use tools or guides for design or printing and have had to make our own.
Our Design Guide is something we have made to walk us through coming up with ideas for new designs. It is something that supporters can use as well, making sure that we don’t need to be experts to get started.
We have also made our own Easy Read manuals for to use the printing equipment and heat presses.
You can download our Printable How to Design Guide here to try yourself.
Micro-enterprises in your community
At Printable we want to make sure that our impact goes beyond the printing room. As we grow we want to use Printable to start more small businesses (micro enterprises) using what we’ve learnt and created.
This is one story of how we can support each other to start a small business in our community, helping to connect with the places we live, work for ourselves and build our independence.