Welcome To David's Shop
David's Story
Hi there, my name is David and I’m the kind of person you are not likely to forget. I’m very independent and live in my own home which I love to keep tidy and organised. Welcome to my Printable shop.
I love cars! I've got the biggest toy car collection you’ve ever seen, but there’s always room for more and I’m always on the lookout. This could be some great inspiration for the designs in my shop.
I find it easy to make new friends and I'm never afraid to talk to new people. I’m actually a bit of a chatterbox if you ever get to meet me.
I am a very curious person, I have an amazing memory and like to learn things, which is why I have really enjoyed learning about the printing industry while I have been involved in Printable. It has been a great learning experience. I hope you like what the Printable team has created.